July 17, 2012

Movie: New Year's Eve - edisi telat nonton

Okey, bilang aku blegug karena 2012 udah setengah jalan, dan aku baru nonton film ini J
Salahkan folder Film karena isinya nggak pernah dibuka karena takut mengganggu deadline akhir tahun [if ypu know what I mean]. Salahkan juga mood yang lagi ogah-ogahan dibawa noton gara-gara non-stop nonton Big Bang Theory dan akhirnya sejenis eneg nonton movie menyerang.
Setelah folder diubrak abrik, akhirnya nemu beberapa judul seperti How I Meet Your Mother (session 1-7), The Green Lantern, Larva, The Owl [1-52], Iron Lady, NYE, de el el.
Dan mata akhirnya tertuju sama NYE. Sambil mikir, film romance ini pasti enteng, dan nggak perlu banyak mikir. 

Nggak banyak komentar deh buat review New Year's Eve Movie ini. Takut nggak objektif Karen ditonton saat hasrat pengen nonton lagi tinggi. Jadi ya bilang bagus dan meaningful deh.
Terkesan dengan speech yang disampaikan …. *lupa siapa* waktu ada kendala ama bola tahun baruny. [mudah-mudahan nggak salah denger waktu nyatet kata-kata ini]:
“It is suspended to reminds us before we pop the champagne and celebrate the new year, to stop and reflect on the year that has gone by. To remember both out triumphs and our missteps.  Our  promise, made and broken. The time we open ourselves up great adventures or close ourselves down for fear and getting hurt. ‘Coz that’s what new years is all about – to get another chance.A chance to forgive, to do better, to do more, to give more, to love more. And stop worrying about what if and start embracing what will be.
So when the ball drops and it will drop,let’s remember to be nice each other, and kind each other. Not just tonight but all year long.”

Sayangnya, for me, kata-kata ini berlaku bukan di malam tahun baru [hijriah ataupun masehi]. Oya, sangat suka dengan scene di balkon Rumah Sakit *nonton sendiri aja deh bagi yang belum*.
Satu lagi its closing statement:
Sometimes it feels there’s so many things we can’t control. Earthquake, flood, reality shows. But it’s important to remember the things that we can. Like forgiveness, second chance, fresh start.
Because the one thing that turns the world from the lonely place to a beautiful place is love. Love in any of its forms. Love gives us hope. Hope of a new year.
*silahkan koreksi kalo ada speech atau closing statement yang salah J

1 komentar:

Ifnur Hikmah (iiph che) said...

New Year's Eve kan ada di novelku yg kamu editin, heheheh. Gue lbh suka NYE ketimbang Valentine's Day (meski idenya sama) krn lbh more drama dan meaningful aja. Twistnya lebih banyak.


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